
Elliot, I don't know if I ever say this to you but, I am soooo glad that you're a part of my lifeee. HAJSHAH WHY IS THIS KINDA CRINGY THOOO, bUTT yess i'm sure you know how special and how much you mean to me :(( No, cause you mean the world to me. And I really want us to stay this way, like I don't want anything bad to happen, I don't anything to changee, I just want us to stay like how we are right now. I don't know if this sounds selfish or not but, I seriously found yourself special to me.


Do you know how I react when you first texted me?????? LOOKING BACK IT'S ACTUALLY CRINGY BUUTT I think it's kinda cute loll. Yk, I was talking about it in my private channel, I was like "Guys, this Lee Know rp-ers just hit me up, he's kinda cool ig" "Wow he replies so fast it's crazy" "WHY IS HE REPLYING SO FAST, DO YOU LIKE ME ?!?!??!?!" "Staahhpppp you're making me fluttered T_T" HAHAHAHHAHA IT'S EMBARASSING. I got attracted to you the FIRST DAY you texted, you know I've been crazy about Lee Know in the first place sooo :)


A playlist for you babe.


Once again, I want to say that I love you so much, Elliot. I want you to also keep loving yourself, even though everything is hard and just hurts you, always remember that I'm here to help. I am here to comfort you and keeping you away from all those negative thoughts. I don't want to see you hurt and I'm so happy that I'm able to be your own personal happy virus ♡
